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Las ferias
Mecspe and Metef
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Sana Beauty in Bologna
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Bologna Children's Book Fair
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Cosmopack, Cosmoprime & Cosmoprof
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Vapitaly International Vaping Exhibition a Bologna
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Billie Eilish Concert in Casalecchio di Reno
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Waste Management Europe in Bologna
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Descubra la Habitación Zero


Habitaciòn Zero
Ricarica Elettrica

Use the free water dispensers
- 48.000 plastic bottles and less CO2

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H2O dispensers

We host 3 hives in our garden (about 150,000 bees) to help biodiversity

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Beehives in hotel

Help us recycle your waste using the correct bins in front of the elevators and in the lobby

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Did you know that every minute of shower can quench 10 people's thirst every day?

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The water

100 megawatts of our energy comes from the Sun

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For every VAIA amplifier purchased at our reception, a new tree in the Dolomites will be planted.


Your favourite daily newspaper available free of charge at any time.

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Press reader

In January 2025, we took a significant step forward in our sustainability journey.

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Heat pumps
reservando en el sitio web
¡4 ventajas sólo para ti!
Parking cubierto
2 Botellas de agua del minibar
Salida retardada a las 12:00
Código Cliente para futuras reservas
(solicítelo a la salida)
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